In Recreating the Past, we will study computational art from the past decades and recreate these works with contemporary techniques to gain aesthetic, analytical and technical knowledge.
Check the original repository for the class examples and course page for more details.
Vera Molnár
John Withney
- Linear Figure studies 1, 3 and 4
- Linear figure study 2
- Linear figure study 4 two
- Linear figure
- Matrix study
- Permutations study
- Happy accident: Moving pattern
- Linear figure
- Linear figure 2
- Digital Harmony studies 1, 2 and 3
Muriel Cooper (and Dietmar Winkler)
- Dietmar Winkler’s Teaching Children Thinking on Scratch
- Muriel Cooper Message and Means on P5js
- Muriel Cooper Message and Means on P5js (responsive animation)
Anni Albers
Physical object
Ken Knolton and Lilian Schwartz
Fortran (lol)
Nancy Burson / Jason Salavon
Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv / Myron Krueger
- Brainflux, an esoteric brainf** dialect that takes out the foul mouth and the text form and leaves us with our bodies, minds and the cyberspace.
Glitch / Deformation (Rosa Menkman / Steina and Woody Vasulka)
Bring your own artist: Waldemar Cordeiro
(I also made a recreation of Satoshi Aizawa’s work)